Love Your Life Day & the 7 Year Cycle
Have you heard of the 7 year cycle? The idea that every 7 years we change in many ways internally & externally? Google it, it’s fascinating! You’ll find all kinds of scientific, religious and spiritual information on this topic. I can personally say, I’ve experienced HUGE shifts over the years and certainly see a pattern of a 7 year cycle! It’s really cool!
So, how does this relate to Love Your Life Day?
7 years ago at the age of 35, I had emergency brain surgery. It was an event I never saw coming yet one I learned so much from. For those of you that know me, you see that just about everything in my life has changed in the last 7 years. For those of you that don’t, here’s the reader’s digest version; I’ve created and built a successful business, am raising an amazing son, have beautiful relationships in my life, sold a home & purchased a new home in divine timing, got engaged to an amazing man and we recently rescued a puppy, just to name a few. I’m so grateful for all that I’ve manifested and all that I’ve learned! A LOT of this is a result of the boat loads of personal development I’ve done over the last 7 years. (THANK YOU Lynn Bunch & The Center for Intuitive Development – I HIGHLY recommend checking them out if you haven’t already! Talk about results?!)
Love Your Life Day is the event I created after the brain surgery. It’s always fallen on the anniversary of the surgery and has been my physical reminder every year to “check in”, be grateful and make sure I am living a life that I love and remind others to do the same. It was easy to get caught up in the everyday stresses of life and put off the “me time”, relax & have fun sometimes. Before I knew it, days, weeks and months would pass and although I was moving forward, I’d be so tired and sometimes unfulfilled… can anyone relate? Recognizing the anniversary and planning an event for the public around it, forced me to “check myself”. At this annual event, we did all kinds of fun things and celebrated as a group – it was always entertaining!
Through reflection, and with this 7 year cycle coming to completion, I see that while all of that was fun and purposeful at the time, it’s now time to continue moving forward and celebrate all the wonderful things that are happening NOW and to create events around all of THAT good stuff! ((EXCITING!!))
Some other things I feel compelled to share (so I will) is that I’ve learned how to check in with my guidance and wisdom daily, make choices and decisions that align with the life I love and manifest my desires quickly. When I find myself feeling any sort of pain, struggle or fear, I’m committed to recognizing it as soon as possible and unite with my support system to shift myself back into alignment. I’ve learned that pain, struggle or fear is not something we have to feel on an ongoing basis. It can be and has been a great motivator for me at times, but staying “in it” is a choice. (I hope that was helpful for someone who needed to hear it even though it was slightly off topic!)
I’m excited to share that my current focus is to LIVE an abundant life, peacefully centered while magically connecting people and businesses so we all flourish. This is my true gift and purpose. I’m immersing into knowing that loving life is an every day occurrence and not something that needs to be planned or highlighted once a year. My current message or reminder to my friends is NOT to stop and smell the roses at least once a year, it’s to stop and smell the roses daily. They smell good & we’ve “worked up to it” you could say! 😉 haha
With all that being said, I’m excited to announce our LAST Love Your Life Day event will be on Sept 1st 2016 from 5:30 – 8:00pm at Bourbon Jacks (7000 E. Mayo Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85054). It is going to be a wonderful country western themed cocktail mixer for men & women.
I invite you to JOIN US in coming “full circle” with Love Your Life Day – it’s going to be a heck of a good time! Grab your partner, boots, hat and bling and get your tickets to join us! Whether this will be your first time with us or you are a returning guest, I’m betting you will love the energy and feel of the event. We always attract the coolest people! I also hope that sharing a piece of my journey inspires or encourages you in a some way! Thanks for listening and for being a friend of Foxfire Events!
All the best always!
p.s. – Details & tickets for the event can be found at – If you plan to join us, get your tix TODAY before prices go up! 🙂