Foxfire Events | Creative, Captivating and Thoughtful Programs & Events!

Foxfire Events

About Us

Foxfire Events: founded in 2010, powered by creativity, authenticity, community connection & perseverance, ever since!


Our Programs & Events:

LEADERSHIP & CORPORATE programs customized for leading organizations

We excel in creating programs, events, and retreats that support organizational success and enhance employee and team relations while boosting individual and collective well-being.

Sample programs include; workshops and/or speaking engagements focused on teamwork & collaboration, employee retention, clear and effective communication, mindset and well-being, personal accountability as a leader and team member, uniting for success, emotional intelligence in the workplace – a KEY to success, joyfully centered leadership and living, supporting the new leader, professionalism, retreats, and more. We customize programs based on assessment of an organization’s need and prioritize topics to facilitate optimized engagements and desired outcomes.

Sample Events include; Annual Meetings, Team Building, Workshops and Conferences, Community Give Back Projects, Community Engagement, Fundraisers and Galas. We also host community and business symposiums to connect leaders, ideas, resources and organizations. Inquire at [email protected]


An INCREDIBLE Lifestyle Resource Collective offering support to individuals and organizations who understand the importance of nurturing our emotional, physical and mental wellness. Summits focus on key topics to living well and proactive approach to improving health and lifestyle. Our Video Podcast Series provides life-bytes (rather than just sounds bites) of uplifting and useful information, interviews and life perspective. Our free monthly newsletter connects community with valuable resources. Daily Joyfully Centered Tips inspire. Workshops, Conferences, Retreats, Book Club and more engage community. Joyfully Centered is a way of living and BE-ing and we’re all about it!


High impact, interactive, uplifting events, workshops and conferences offering; education, inspiration, tools and resources. We have a lot of fun and infuse creative activities while engaging in thoughtful discussion knowing all in attendance have valuable experiences and insight to share. Some events have included; Nourishing Spirt, Mind, Body Conference & Retreat, Fearlessly and Uniquely YOU!, Diamonds in the Desert, Fox Den United, Women Unite Worldwide, and more!


This casual mixer gathers successful women to connect and build business socially & effectively. Uniting dynamic women over a glass of wine (or favorite beverage) allows networking to naturally occur and friendships to form. It’s quickly become a favorite! Global F.O.X.Y. Women & Wine events are held via Zoom, In Person events held in the Greater Phoenix Area. As for the playful name, it’s an acronym describing women attracted to the events… F = Fearless  O = Outrageous  X = eXceptional  Y = Yearning to make a difference – so they DO! Open to all women!

To learn about Sponsorship, Supporter, or Speaker Opportunities for programs, or to Host a Program or Event, please contact Heather Rausch at [email protected] or call 602-677-9535.

Our Foxfire Events Founder & CEO:

Founder & CEO, Heather Rausch can’t remember a time when she wasn’t involved in program creation, event planning, management, relationship building or marketing. She’s extremely creative, professional, enthusiastic and LOVES what she does. She has a magnetic personality, big heart and is genuinely interested in helping people and organizations enhance success. Community programs such as Foxfire Experiences & F.O.X.Y. Women & Wine have had great success because of her foresight, passion to collaborate and ability to bring the most dynamic people together. Heather pays attention to detail, listens, and is in tune to the energy and world around her. Being acutely aware of her purpose in life and taking in stride the changes we experience as a society, she continues to develop programs like Leaders Unite and Joyfully Centered uniting people, energy and ideas, and featuring resources and perspective, opening the space for us to grow to be the very best people, leaders, and citizens we can be. She believes strongly in continuous education and life long learning, amplifying human kindness and sharing tools that encourage us to be accountable for our health, happiness, community, choices and impact in the world. Whether it’s programs created and hosted by Foxfire Events or those in which Foxfire Events consults on, or produces and manages for clients, you can count on meaningful, successful, captivating events! All are encouraged to check out our programs – we’d love to meet you!

Heather proudly serves on the Board of International Womens Forum Arizona as Communications Chair and Membership Co-Chair and is an active member of the global International Women’s Forum. She also serves on the President’s Community Advisory Council for Paradise Valley Community College.