Joyfully Centered

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An INCREDIBLE community resource powered by Foxfire Events, offering awareness, perspective, and tools, for individuals and organizations, who understand the importance of nurturing individual and collective emotional, physical, and mental wellness.
We amplify human kindness, understand the power of collective energy and encourage accountability for our choices, outcomes and influence in our communities and world. Our programs and community reinforce living well, our customized leadership programs are powerful. We connect through thoughtful virtual and in person engagements and share personal and professional experiences through conversation.
Summits focus on key topics to living well and proactively approach improving awareness, health, and lifestyle. Our Video Podcast Series provides life-bytes (rather than just sounds bites) of uplifting and useful information, interviews, and life perspective. Joyfully Centered Tips inspire. Workshops, Conferences, Retreats, Book Club and more engage community. Joyfully Centered is a way of living, leading, and BE-ing and we’re all about it! Take a peek! CLICK HERE!