Coffee Connect Virtual Social June 2021

JOIN US ONLINE Friday June 18th 9am (AZ time)
Catch up on the latest with fellow Fox Den members over your favorite cup of joe, spot of tea (or anything you choose to enjoy!). Share what’s happening in your life and get recommendations or recommend favorite places, resources or finds! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts + anything else you’d like to discuss in our 60 minutes together!
You never know where our topics of conversation will lead but rest assured, it’s always a fun hour to connect, relate and share. Ladies from around the world are invited to join us!
Free event for Fox Den United members, $20 for non-members! Members will receive email zoom link the day prior to the event. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your other mailbox folders. For information on Fox Den United Membership visit or email
[email protected] to purchase an individual ticket as a non-member, or use the “buy now” button below. Event is open to all women! You’ll love this time together!