2021 Brings EXCITING Global Opportunities!

Foxfire Events

2021 Brings EXCITING Global Opportunities!

Over the last 10 months, like most, we at Foxfire Events got creative and found a way to not only keep our community engaged but GROW our community through the addition of virtual events!

With that, we are SUPER EXCITED to share that Foxfire Events has gone GLOBAL!!! That means opportunities for our community connect with others around the globe through our Fox Den United Program and F.O.X.Y. Women & Wine Global. With now holding events via ZOOM, we can reach so many more people which has become a beautiful silver lining to what started out as a struggle in 2020. Embracing this technology and utilizing it in 2020 was great practice and has set us up to have an INCREDIBLE 2021 full of powerful connections for business, and socially.

We invite ALL ladies to get connected and stay connected through our Fox Den United Program in 2021! Membership is insanely affordable and incredibly beneficial and offers access to 4 events every single month and best news is, you can log in from anywhere you have wi-fi access and without any additional fees. Be sure to take a peek at membership, we’d love to have YOU join us! Get details at www.FoxfireEventsRock.com/FoxDenUnited or email [email protected]

Genuine connections & Benefical Interactions you will ENJOY!